Sunday, July 27, 2014

Back to school part 2: Awesome stationary!

Get that adorable pencil case on Etsy

Hi everyone! So here's the deal, it's hard to know what to put in your pencil case. You wanna get rid of those coloured pens, but they're just so pretty!! What if you need them? Well we are here today to help you figure out what to keep and ditch.

Ok so here are the bare essentials:
- 1 HB pencil (For backup and borrowing)
- 3 mechanical pencils (we prefer these since you don't have to constantly carry a pencil sharpener around). If you prefer the regular HB pencils you can switch them out for those.
- 1 pencil lead container
- 6 pens; 2 red, 2 blue and 2 black.  You can switch some out (1 pink and 1 red instead of 2 for example).
- 2-5 highlighters. It totally depends if you prefer having lots of colour or just the basics. The 2 most basic colours are for most of the time yellow and pink but feel free to add blue, green, purple, orange... Whatever suits your fancy :)
- A mini 15cm/6 inch ruler
- (Optional) A couple coloured pencils for quick doodles
- (Optional again) A calculator, only if there's enough space for it.

So that was the basic needs, but here's some little DIY's to help you personalize all that dull material :)
You could paint your calculator cover:

For all you talented crafters, here's a tutorial for a gorgeous pencil case :)

Find this awesome pencil decorating trick plus 36 more great DIY's here

Here's the same concept but with a pen:
So that's that for stationary! Coming up next: notebook and textbook covering. Stay tuned!


The girls

P.S. We're working on making our blog as awesome as possible, please comment what you would like to hear more or less about, it'll only take a minute :).

The girls

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